Jharkhand High Court

diversion of forest land

Binda Devi Versus State of Jharkhand and ors. [WPC/489/2020] | Jharkhand High Court | Status: pending for final hearing | |

For construction of Community hall a proposal was tendered by Ango Police Station (user agency) and accordingly a Gram Sabha of Ango and other villages were held. It is pertinent to note here that the proposed site is a protected forest namely Hatwal forest and comes within the jurisdiction of Udalu Village. but in the gram sabha as held the villagers of Udalu Village were not called for. therefore a petition with the prayer for stop the construction work and entire process related to construction of Community Hall be quashed. 
during the course of hearing an I.A. was filed on behalf of   contractor wherein it was reveled that he was given tender for construction of fortified police station. 
the matter were first heard on 24.02.2020 and an order maintaining  status quo was passed by the Hon'ble Court and notice to the opposite parties were issued and they were called to file counter affidavit. 
recently this case was heard on 25.02.2021 and on request of state of Jharkhand time was granted and interim order was directed to remain continue. 

