Report of District Level Meeting on “Freedom from Forced Labour and Modern Slavery in Agricultural Sector” at Sabarkantha, Gujarat

Socio-Legal Information Centre(SLIC)hadorganised a district-level meetingin collaboration with ‘Actionaid’, ‘Aajeevika bureau’and ‘Kotra Aadivasi Sansthan’onthe theme“Freedom from Forced Labour and modern-dayslavery” on 31st January 2020in Raghu Chaya Hotel, Khedbrahma, Sabarkantha, Gujarat.The sub-theme of the meeting was “Bonded and Potential Bonded Labourers in the Agriculture Sector.”The meeting commenced at 11:00 a.m. and in the beginning, everybodygave hisname, name of organisation and working onconcerned issue.And that went on till 11:15 a.m.
