Dakshin Dinapur District Meeting

Trafficking in women and children is one of the most despicable forms of violations of human
rights. Being a complex issue, it has been given short shrift from the academia, legal field and
the civil society. It has often equated with prostitution but that is the half story. This paper is an
attempt to present the trends and dimensions of trafficking from a human rights paradigm and
demystify several issues surrounding it. It will also shed some light on the role of NGOs, the
civil society and the family. The paper is based amply on the secondary literature and primary
experiences. The human rights discourses is profoundly silent on this major issue which snatches
away most of the human rights from the most vulnerable group. It has immense implications for
future course as India is fast becoming a source, transit point as well as a destination for

Trafficking in human beings involves the transportation, harboring or receipt of persons by
means of threat, coercion, abduction or fraud for the purpose of exploitation. The problem of
human trafficking, particularly in women and children has emerged as grave social issue which
is one of the most serious affronts to the dignity and human rights of them. It is a gross
commercialization and commoditization of innocent human lives. Though it is a border less
crime, India among many South-Asian countries is rapidly used as a source, transit point as well
as destination for the traffickers. It is just not about the violation of human rights but it is the
defeat of human rights. It is not only the human rights which are failing but the society and
institutions are also to share the blame. In the context of increasing violence and deep-seated
patriarchal values the traffickers’ jobs becomes easy. Hence trafficking in women and children,
which is the most vulnerable group, is the sordid tale of violation of human rights and dignity.
